The Real Cost of Cheap Imports

Last year, in answer to a lot of questions we received about why we focus so much on products made in North America, we outlined the issues with cheap imports. The real cost goes a lot deeper than price. Low price usually means that some of the real costs of materials, production, and transportation are … Read more

Blog to Inspire: I Parent by Nature, that’s why I choose cloth diapers

This following post was an entry in our Blog to Inspire contest. The opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and not necessarily those of Eco Baby Steps or Parenting By Nature. Blog to Inspire entrant The Wonderful World of Nikki is Nicole Bergman, is married and has a beautiful 1 year old baby girl. … Read more

Imports at What Cost? Environment

Products made in Canada or the U.S. are produced in compliance with strict regulations. When you buy imports, you have few assurances that making the products did not cause local harm through air or water pollution. Damage to environment and to health through the environment are part of the real cost of imports. We pay … Read more

Imports at What Cost? Labour

When we reach for cheap products, they don’t cost any less than the expensive products. They just externalize costs—that is, someone else pays the true cost of the product. When the factor that allows the cost to stay low is labour, the person who works in the field or in the factory for less than … Read more