How to Ruin Your Cloth Diapers and RLR Laundry Treatment

What’s the craziest way you’ve ever heard of to ruin your cloth diapers? How about putting them in the dishwasher or adding fish tank ammonia remover. You don’t need crazy solutions to get your cloth diapers clean. We joke in the store with customers, asking them to please avoid reading online forums and following random … Read more

Hemp vs Bamboo Rayon for Cloth Diapers

We get a lot of questions from customers in the store asking why they would want to choose bamboo vs. hemp for cloth diapers. Short answer: choose hemp for environment or absorbency, and choose bamboo rayon for softness. Overall, we prefer hemp. In our completely unscientific survey of Facebook followers,parents choose hemp 8 to … Read more

Lower Environmental Impact of Cloth Diapers

Around Earth Day there is a lot of talk about which baby products are best for the environment. Watch out for the lie that disposable diapers are either a better choice or that they have the same environmental impact as cloth diapers. It isn’t true, and it’s easy to trace the source of this misunderstanding. … Read more

Trends in Cloth Diapering: Rockin’ Green Soap

In washing cloth diapers, much depends on your water and its interaction with your detergent. Stinky diapers? Detergent is a likely culprit. If you have hard water, you probably know it. Nature Mom’s water is so hard that it’s ruining her taps and drains. Her dishes are spotty, and her clothes are dingy. (I’m wondering … Read more

Cloth Diaper Detergent Additives to Avoid, Usually

What is in your laundry detergent? Even if you read the ingredients, you might not know what the ingredients are or what they do. Plus, if you are washing cloth diapers, you probably have in mind a list of additives to avoid because they void warranties. In the spirit of asking WHY we should avoid … Read more