Infant Pottying Enters the Conversation

Infant pottying, or elimination communication, has entered the mainstream conversation several times recently. It’s easy to laugh, unless you’ve seen it work. Every day my children, both teenagers now, come to me to talk about the news. They get their news from Stephen Colbert’s The Colbert Report (which, I tell them often, is only a start. “You … Read more

Cheapie Leakies

Why I don’t buy cloth diapers that come without support or warranty. We’re often asked about some of the less expensive cloth diapers on the market, and why we don’t offer them at When compared to economical options such as Bummis wraps and prefolds or an amazing DUO system such as AMP Diapers, the quality, … Read more

Compare Cloth Diapers – Pocket Reviews

Parents choose pocket diapers for ease and convenience. For the rest of the story, we’ve gathered comments from our customers’ reviews of pocket diapers. In addition to reviews, we are comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each style of cloth diapers to help you find the diapers that will work best for you and your … Read more

Compare Cloth Diapers – Pocket Diapers

Continuing our comparison of the differences and advantages of major styles and brands of cloth diapers, today we’re comparing pocket diapers to other cloth diaper styles. All-in-One Diapers (AIO) Pocket Diapers Fitted Diapers Prefolds & Flat Diapers Pocket Cloth Diapers With a pocket diaper, the diaper itself is made up of two layers. The outer … Read more