Save Green: Add Energy Savings to Green Your Cloth Diapers

A lot of people use cloth diapers to save money. When you are saving money, you squeeze everything you can whenever you can. Last week I wrote about saving money on your initial cloth diaper purchase. Keep squeezing and see what you can do to save money washing and drying your cloth diapers. Lessons from Our Grandmothers … Read more

I Don’t Have Time for Cloth Diapers

Are you sure you don’t have time to use cloth diapers? If you choose to use cloth diapers, you can use time-saving strategies and no-fold diapers to fit into your busy schedule. Your choices make a big difference. Consider these factors to save yourself time: which style of diapers you choose; how many diapers to have on … Read more

Ditching Synthetics in Diapering

Are you thinking of ditching synthetics in diapering? Some of our customers are only familiar with polyester diapering options. If you are considering cool wool options for summer, you may be ready to use all natural cloth diapers. Natural fiber diapers don’t hold on to smells like synthetics can, and you don’t need to be as … Read more

Fun Diaper Cover Prints

Fun diaper cover prints give us a little smile right when our babies are watching us during diaper changes. For those who live somewhere warm enough to have your baby dressed only in a T-shirt and diaper cover, print diaper covers become an essential wardrobe item. Bummis Bummis has just introduced new prints for both … Read more

Cloth Diapers Save You Money

Real Diaper WeekReal Simple. Real Diapers. You’ve heard that cloth diapers can save you money. How much? We’ve compared some of our most popular diapers to show you how much money you can save with each style. How many? To make the calculations simple, we’re starting with the assumption that you need at least 4 diaper … Read more