Cloth Diaper Detergent Additives to Avoid, Usually

What is in your laundry detergent? Even if you read the ingredients, you might not know what the ingredients are or what they do. Plus, if you are washing cloth diapers, you probably have in mind a list of additives to avoid because they void warranties. In the spirit of asking WHY we should avoid … Read more

Cloth Diaper Washing: Wet Pail or Dry Pail?

Before you wash your cloth diapers, where will you store them? You can use a wet pail, which means leaving the diapers to soak in water, or a dry pail, which means not adding water. Which will work better for your diapers? We will walk you through the pros and cons of your diaper pail … Read more

Cloth Diaper Laundry Additives: Enzymes

You’ve heard that enzymes are bad for cloth diaper washing, yet parents use them safely. Why? We will tell you what enzymes do, and when are they useful. Conflicting Information There is a lot of conflicting information about enzymes and cloth diapers, and parents find it confusing. Manufacturers know their products, so we look to … Read more

Cloth Diaper Laundry Additives: Fabric Softeners

Making your cloth diapers soft has to be a good thing, right? Of course, but don’t be fooled into using chemical fabric softeners to do it or you will be in for a leaky, repelling surprise. As we think through the reasons behind basic cloth diaper washing techniques, we want you to have the information … Read more

Cloth Diaper Detergent Choices

Your choices of detergent for washing cloth diapers range from conventional, off-the-shelf detergent to special cloth diaper formulas to DIY recipes. Before you decide, though, know your own specific situation. Take the mystery out of cloth diaper detergent choices. What most parents really want to know first about washing cloth diapers is what detergent to … Read more