Frozen Pops Beyond the Basics

It’s popsicle time. Sure, make frozen pops for the kids, but don’t forget the dogs and the parents. We could all use a cool treat. Popsicles For Kids My kids will eat almost anything if I freeze it. My son freezes green tea. My daughter likes frozen fruit because it isn’t as overwhelmingly icy as … Read more

Baby Feeding Dishes

Looking through so many great waste-free school lunch products last week, I wanted to emphasize healthy feeding dishes for home as well. The importance of BPA (bisphenol-a) -free feeding has become much more clear over the past few years. As a matter of fact, in the U.S. all feeding and sleeping products for children under 12 must … Read more

7 Foods to Keep Your Kids Warm This Winter

Craving comfort foods this winter? There is an explanation for that. When the temperature outside drops, your body has to work harder to keep warm, burning more calories to create that energy. Simple, hearty foods like stews have many of the elements your body needs right now: protein, fats, and spices. Don’t avoid those foods … Read more