Holiday Stories for Solstice and Christmas

As you create holiday traditions with your children, read to them. Read stories that explain each holiday, stories that help your children understand their role in the holiday, stories that explain how your family relates to the holiday. Read stories that spread joy of celebration. And, collect a pile of books you love to read … Read more

Wool Crafts with Kids: Felted Wool Balls

Halfway between the first day of winter and the first day of spring is the traditional beginning of lambing season, though new sheep might actually be born anytime from December through May. To celebrate sheep, lambs, and the beautiful wool they give us, we are sharing several weeks of wool crafts you can do with … Read more

Household Chores for Children

Are you wondering when your children will be ready to help with household chores? My family’s bumpy experience may help you decide that now is the time. My family was terrible at sharing household chores with children because my husband and I took completely different approaches when the children were very young. I remember the … Read more

Nonviolent Communication with Children

I aspire to meet my children’s needs through clear, honest communication. I first met attachment parenting while pregnant with my first child, and I first met nonviolent communication (NVC) while pregnant with my second. “NVC shares two key premises with attachment parenting: Human actions are motivated by attempts to meet needs, and trusting relationships are … Read more