Work with Your Daycare for Cloth Diapers

Real Diaper Week.Real Simple. Real Diapers. When you are sold on the benefits of cloth diapers, you want your baby to use them full time. One common point of resistance is daycare. Many daycare providers happily accept cloth diapers. Others will accept cloth diapers with some guidance on how to use cloth diapers in a daycare setting. … Read more

5 Basic Steps to Cloth Diaper Washing

Real Diaper WeekReal Simple. Real Diapers. The Real Diaper Association (RDA) recently published cloth diaper washing instructions based on the recommendations of scientists and experts in the cloth diaper industry. The instructions are so simple that any parent can get clean diapers with 5 simple steps. If you want to adjust to your specific needs, you can, … Read more

Freeze Tag and Other Outdoor Winter Games for Children

I woke up to 3″ of snow on the ground, and I’m thinking about how to make sure my children continue to play outside. Usually, my children entertain themselves outside. They build forts and pile up snow to create high vantage points—and giant snowmen. Sometimes, though, they thrive on a little bit of structure. When … Read more

Compare Cloth Diapers – Prefold & Flat Diapers

Finally, my favorite cloth diapers. I did say that fitted diapers are my favorites. Well, prefolds and flat diapers are my other favorites, and I’m ready to compare them with the other great cloth diapering choices you have available. All-in-One Diapers (AIO) Pocket Diapers Fitted Diapers Prefolds & Flat Diapers Prefold Cloth Diapers I just … Read more