Stainless Steel Dishes for Children

In our quest for the safest products for children, we’ve worked hard to avoid plastic, melamine, and other products that can leach dangerous chemicals or dangerous levels of naturally-occurring substances. One material that we really like for children’s mealtimes and lunch boxes is stainless steel. High-grade stainless steel is considered food-grade or medical-grade. All of … Read more

Cheap, Natural Mulch

Mulch, a cover over the surface of your garden, keeps the soil moist, moderates temperature, lessens weed growth, and adds nutrients to soils as it decays. Best of all, you probably have something around your house or yard that you can use as mulch. Mulch can be free. A Few Mulch Choices I like the … Read more

Take a Snail out with a Beer

If you grow lettuce or other greens, you may have noticed that your leaves have been nibbled. You may even have caught the culprits on your plants. Snails and slugs love leaves. What do you do? Salt them? NO! Salt will certainly make them shrivel up and die, but it won’t help your soil. Poison them? … Read more

Old-fashioned Tooth Powder

Since we’ve been experimenting with our own cleaning recipes and since both of my children came whining to me, “Mama, we’re out of toothpaste,” I decided that it was time to work more kitchen magic and create our own tooth powder. Because of questions about skin irritation or diarrhea-causing effects of Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)—which is used to … Read more

Baby Diaper pH: An Intro

If you’ve ever burned your nose hairs off with your baby’s morning diaper, would it help to know that you’re smelling ammonia? A short introduction to pH as it relates to baby diapers might help you reduce the stink. pH is measure of whether a solution is acidic or alkaline. When some meany colleagues of … Read more